Sunday, August 24, 2008

The Beach!!

We took a leisurely drive up the east coast of FL today while Kelsey napped in the back. On our return trip, we stopped in Vero and took Kelsey onto the beach for the first time. She'd been to the beach at her Great Aunt Muffie's house, but never in the sand nor the water. She was a little timid at first, hugging onto daddy and not really sure what to do or what this was between her toes.Then I got down on my knees with her and played with the sand and water
Then I took her down closer to the water. Eventually she decided she was big enough to let go of me and walk back across the packed sand to where we started (a little further from the actual waves) She played more with daddy and got wet as the waves rolled up to where we were
Finally she sat down in the "pool" I created and was just splish splashing awayWe hiked down the boardwalk to find a shower to rinse her offThen all wrapped up in just a towel we took her to the car and got her redressed. I think she had a fun time.

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