Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Foods so far....
Kelsey (knock on wood) has been such a good eater. She has loved everything she has tasted to date. We started with rice cereal. Then we added avocado, banana, oatmeal, carrots, apples, and today she had butternut squash. I am enjoying making my own food. I have taken advice from friends and also used a website my cousin's wife posted a while ago on her blog (that I tagged as a favorite; knowing I would eventually use it). Baby Food Site Being a first time mom, I follow the rules for adding foods...I wait 4 days before adding the next to make sure Kelsey has no reactions. Upcoming foods include pears, peaches, pumpkin, and green beans. Hopefully everything keeps going well!
Posted by
Lori Beth
9:32 PM
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Not one, but two....
So, I lied in my previous post about Kelsey's teeth. She is not getting one tooth, she is actually getting two!! Both of her bottom teeth have broken through. I'm guessing pretty much at the same time, which is why I didn't realize it. I just felt something, so I assumed it was only 1. Oh was I wrong!! I'm trying to enjoy her cute gummy smile while it lasts :-)
Posted by
Lori Beth
6:58 PM
Yeah for Craigslist!!
So I made a great buy on craigslist this morning. Yesterday afternoon someone posted a Little Tykes swing and slide set for $25. I looked it up and it originally cost $120. Lou's sister and b-inlaw are going to give us their big swing set, but we have to find a way to get it up here. I had just mentioned to Lou last weekend that we should start thinking about it because Kelsey can go in a baby swing on it...So, I thought to myself..."self...this is perfect for Kelsey for right now until we can manage to get the other one up here and set up" I called and left a message for it like 30 min after they popsted, but didn't hear back from them. Then while I was at the gym this morning they called and left a message asking if I was still interested. Heck Yeah!! Kelsey and I took a trip to the other side of PSL, picked it up, brought it home and reassembled it. She loved it. I couldn't catch her laughing on the video..because she gets camera shy, but she laughed none the less.
Posted by
Lori Beth
1:19 PM
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Kelsey's "Aunts"
Posted by
Lori Beth
10:23 PM
Baby kisses mirror
Posted by
Lori Beth
10:20 PM
Thursday, February 14, 2008
A Tooth!!
I don't know if I am excited about this or not (since I am nursing). But when I put my finger in Kelsey's mouth this am, I felt the ridge of a tooth breaking through. You can't really see much, especially since she won't let you hold her mouth open to look, but it's there. It's her lower left tooth. I was sorta hoping she wouldn't get any teeth for a couple of more months, oh well! My baby's getting soooo big and growing up soooo fast :-(
Posted by
Lori Beth
1:29 PM
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Saturday at Gramma & Grampa's
With Lou out of town, my parents invited my sister's family down and Kelsey and I over to spend the entire day. (It's great to have other people around who can hold and love on Kelsey too) We got there around noon and everyone was in the pool (it's heated), so we put on our suits and hopped in too! Kelsey loves being wet in her baths, so this was fun. Once she got comfortable, she was even splashing a little bit.After we got out of the pool and dried off, it was time for lunch!! Today we added Bananas! First bite she was not sure, but after a few more she loved it. I then mixed it with some avacado and then some rice cereal. Kelsey is such a good eater. (knock on wood)
Never fear Auburn fans...she has an Auburn bib too. Daddy's at UF this week for class though, so we are supporting him
Kelsey does this thing where she grabs your ears or the hair on the side of your head and pulls you towards her. She then tries to suck on your chin or your nose (or anything else on your face). Sean thought this was so much fun. He was loving getting Kelsey "kisses" and was laughing hysterically.
Posted by
Lori Beth
10:04 PM
Friday, February 8, 2008
Time for a Bath Seat (ring)
We have loved Kelsey's bath cushion. From bath's on the kitchen counter to going into the real tub, it has been a really good purchase. However, I recognize that it is time for an upgrade. Kelsey is sitting up really well now. I have been sitting her up at the end of her baths before I pick her up and wrap her in a towel.
(Note: don't worry I would NEVER leave her by herself there sitting up, I am within arms reach at all times.)
PS---Look at all of those cute little rolls!!
Posted by
Lori Beth
10:48 PM
What Daddy Missed at Dinner
So, I was running a little behind our schedule tonight and got home well past cereal time. I rushed and got it ready and put her in her chair w/o a bib or the tray. This is what occurred:
She has been using her voice ALOT today. Dinner was VERY Loud!!!! (but cute as can be) Only one of the noises you will hear came from me....
Posted by
Lori Beth
10:04 PM
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Avocadoes - Take Two
Today I think she liked them better. I decided to puree them and make them even smoother (Plus I put a drop of lemon juice in and froze the extras for the rest of the week) However, she decided she is a BIG girl and wants to feed herself so I had to get a second spoon to finish feeding her.
Pardon the poor video skills... I was trying to hold/film in my right and feed her with my left, and still make sure I got it in her mouth
Sidenote..avocados (and maybe all solids) not so nice on the other end. YUCK!!
Posted by
Lori Beth
1:19 PM
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Avocadoes (please, thank you, maybe, I dunno)
This is after a cleaning, or two. You can still see green caked on her nose and cheek.
Posted by
Lori Beth
11:13 PM
Naptime and tummytime all in one
Needless to say she was a little startled when she woke up!
Posted by
Lori Beth
11:18 AM
I'm 6 MONTHS!!! (and 3 days)
I did not post on Saturday because I wanted to wait for her 6 month checkup so I could put her stat in as well. Man does time fly. How in the world have we already reached 6 months. I saw a newborn in the waiting room at the pediatrician and thought to myself "I don't think Kelsey was ever that little" Truth is she probably wasn't, but I look at her today and don't remember her tiny anymore. She has grown so much and learned so much already in these past 6 months, I can only imagine what will happen in the next 6 months and years after that. Here's a quick list of some of Kelsey's accomplishments:
- Rolls from front to back and back to front
- Smiles and laughs (always when she sees her daddy)
- Grabs and reaches for objects with both hands
- Holds herself up really high when on her belly
- Is sitting almost on her own (occasionally tips to the side)
- Tries to scoot forward toward and object but ends up pushing back (This frustrates her as she moves away from her toys)
- "Stands" when held up with her feet on a solid surface
- Says mamama, dadada, bababa, and likes to use a screaching voice when excited
- "Drinks" ( I use that term lightly)from a sippy cup while holding it on her own
- Sleeps through the night
- Can turn on the aquarium mobile in her crib by herself
- Throws her toys out of her carseat, stroller, store cart
- She's very interactive and alert
- and her hair is getting lighter in the back
Kelsey is still off the charts for her height. She's 27 3/4 inches (which makes her the height of an average 10 month old). She has finally come down to the chart for her weight. She's 18 lbs 11 ounces. Her weight has slowed a bit, but she is more active now. Still she is in the 95th percentile. And her head circumference is 14 inches, which is in the 75th percentile.
I am still nursing her ( we'll see what happens when she gets teeth). She eats rice cereal twice a day and we are getting ready to start adding in pureed foods. We are going to start with avacado in the next few days. We also learned that since we don't use tap water for her cereal, her 1 formula bottle a week, or her sippy cup, that we need to make sure we buy water that has fluoride added to it.
All By MyselfSoooooo Serious
Posted by
Lori Beth
10:33 AM